Yen & Stone

Gallup StrengthsFinder
Responsibility. People with this theme take psychological ownership of what they say they will do. They are committed to stable values such as honesty and loyalty.
Restorative. People with this theme are good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it. They love to solve problems.
Learner. People with this theme love to learn and want to continuously improve. The process of earning, rather than the outcome, is what excites them.
Relator. People with this theme enjoy close relationships with others. They find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.
Connectedness. People with this theme have faith in the links between all things. They believe there are few coincidences and that almost every event has a reason.

Kolb Learning Style
Combination Diverging and Assimilating learning styles.
Diverging Styles are best at viewing concrete situations from many different points of view. Their approach to situations is to observe rather than take action. Asks "What do we want to do?"
Assimilating styles are best at understanding a wide range of information and putting it into concise, logical form. More interested in abstract ideas and concepts. Asks "Why do we want to do it?"

Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator
ENTJ (2000) = Extraverted Thinking with Intuition. ENTJ's are logical, organized, structured, objective, and decisive about what they view as conceptually valid. They enjoy working with others, especially when they can take charge and add a strategic plan.
INTJ (2005) = Introverted Intuition with Thinking. INTJ's are independent, individualistic, single-minded, and determined individuals who trust their vision of possibilities regardless of universal skepticism. They enjoy working by themselves on projects that are complex.
Strength Development Inventory
Cautious-Supporting Motivational Value System (Blue-Green zone)
Motivated by developing self-sufficiency in self and others.
Blue-Green/Red Conflict Sequence.
Desire to maintain peace and harmony blending accommodating and analytical approaches. Desire to establish a mutually respectful peace and believe the best way to do this is to clarify the issues and people's feelings through conversation. If that doesn't work, I may confront people, get angry or fight, although I may wait a long time in Blue-Green to prevent this. The progression of conflict and degree of change for me is less noticeable to other people.

Insights Discovery
Coordinating Supporter Classic (Green, Blue, Yellow, Red)
Greatly prefers to trust what she can experience rather than accept abstract or intangible ideas. She is a well of warmth and support, but may be very reserved until she has broken the ice. She is good at blending productivity with an interest in, and compassion for, the workforce. Above all, she is concerned with what is "right" and becuase of this may appear slow in the decision making process. She is good at easing tense situations, enabling competing or conflicting groups to unite. Her natural leadership style is to resist change for change's sake and to slow down impulsive decision making.
Top four learning styles: Systematic processing, Considered reflection, Flexible involvement and Detached analysis.
Team Style Inventory
Of the four Team Styles in this inventory (Supporter, Motivator, Driver, Analytical), my highest scores were the following:
Analytical (6): Steady, careful, and factual. You like accuracy and routine. You think through problems and situations slowly and carefully.
Motivator (5): Enthusiastic, spontaneous, innovative and flexible. You like people and you focus on the future.

Inner Committee Members
Bossy Betty
Trudy Tree: Support and Nourisher
Connie Competitor
Haley Hater/Judge Judy
Mommish...will be your server today
Eeps the lone eagle, outsider observer
Accepter Zeni
2017 = ?
Expressed Behavior (e) is behavior I prefer to do, I initiate, observable by others.
Wanted Behavior (w) is behavior I would like others to initiate or prefer to be the recipient of.
Inclusion: e=2, w=9. Inclusion is the need for recognition, belonging, participation.
Control: e=2, w=2. Control is the need for influence, leading, responsibility.
Affection: e=3, w=6. Affection is the need for closeness, warmth, sensitivity.
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior